Structures of viral BCL-2 homologs proteins


ProteinPDB code: title [Download] [View]MethodDateOrganismReference
BHRF11Q59: Solution Structure of the BH... [D] [V]NMR2003Human herpesvirus 4Huang et al.
BHRF12V6Q: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A BHRF-... [D] [V]X-ray (2.70)2008Human herpesvirus 4Kvansakul et al.
BHRF12WH6: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANTI-AP... [D] [V]X-ray (1.50)2010Human herpesvirus 4Kvansakul et al.
BHRF12XPX: Crystal structure of BHRF1:B... [D] [V]X-ray (2.05)2011Human herpesvirus 4Kvansakul et al.
BHRF14OYD: Crystal structure of a compu... [D] [V]X-ray (1.8)2014Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Procko et al.
M112ABO: NMR structure of gamma herpe... [D] [V]NMR2006Murid herpesvirus 4Loh et al.
M113BL2: Crystal Structure of M11, th... [D] [V]X-ray (2.30)2008Murid herpesvirus 4Ku et al.
M113DVU: Crystal structure of the com... [D] [V]X-ray (2.50)2008Murid herpesvirus 4Sinha et al.
M114MI8: Crystal structure of the com... [D] [V]X-ray (2.1)2013Murid gammaherpesvirus 4Su et al.
ORF161K3K: Solution Structure of a Bcl-... [D] [V]NMR2002Human herpesvirus 8Huang et al.


ProteinPDB code: title [Download] [View]MethodDateOrganismReference
FPV0395TZP: Crystal structure of FPV039:... [D] [V]X-ray (1.35)2016Fowlpox virusAnasir et al.
FPV0395TZQ: Crystal Structure of FPV039:... [D] [V]X-ray (1.65)2016Fowlpox virusAnasir et al.

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